Urban Decay - Naked 3 Palette!
Hey guys! I've been meaning to get this post up for ages, but like I said in a previous post I have been revising for my theory test - which I passed (yay!) on top of college! so this is the once chance I've had to get this post up for you guys :) I wanted it to be a good quality post rather than just a quick one so I have spent some time doing this! :)
So, lets get on with the review/swatches...!
< - - - A rather creative photo :') (some may disagree:P)
A couple of weeks ago I received the Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette, this is the first product I have owned from Urban Decay and is probably (well definitely) the most expensive part of my make-up collection as the product retails at £37.00!
The palette purchased the palette from Debenhams which can be found here:
So when I received this product it just came in the normal Debenhams black packaging and inside was a cardboard box, now this cardboard box was filled with soooooooooooo much cardboard! I mean, I've ordered breakable products with less protective packaging! ;)
Okay, so this is what the palette looks like whilst its still inside the packaging :) I quite like the idea of a box packaging for a palette like this as it does not only make it look more expensive but it protects the product and makes people more attracted to it. As you can see, on the front it just has the 'Naked 3' Urban Decay in quite large letters personally, I think the gold upon the brown makes it stand out more and is quite eye-catching, what I found is that it also relates to some of the colours within the palette, along the bottom of the box it also gives an idea of the colours that are inside the palette but also gives the packaging an attractive effect by making the colours look rough and smashed. My favourite part of the packaging is the leather-like feel that the box has.
On the back of the box it just gives a small overview of the palette obviously trying to attract the market to the product. I doubt that you guys can read the writing on the back of the palette from my photo but the write up on the Debenhams website is pretty much what it says on the back of the packaging :) and then as you can see the four little 'tear' shapes underneath, these are the sample primer potions which come within the palette, I will insert a picture below:
You receive the following primer potions;
- Original: I've used this one myself and I was a bit worried that it was going to appear light on my skin as I have olive skin and wearing a foundation underneath may have made this primer appear lighter. I feel that the primer blends in well with the foundation you are currently wearing - I highly recommend this! Here is what Urban Decay say about it: "This undercover wonder works invisibly to keep colour in place"
- Eden: Although I have not tried this primer as of yet but from looking at it, it appears to be darker and a more nude than original. Here is what Urban Decay have to say: "This nude matte formula preps lids and prevents shadow meltdown."
- Sin: This primer appears to be again, a lot darker than the other primers within the packet but it contains slight shimmer I believe, Urban Decay say: "Just a dab of this shimmering formula prevents fading and creasing."
- Anti-Aging: This primer is a similar colour to 'Original' it is a usual light skin colour Urban Decay claims that it "makes shadow last AND in an 8 week clinical study: 100% of participants had a measurable improvement in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- 100% had measurably brighter skin
- 97% had a measurable improvement in radiance and clarity."
Finally; On the back of the packaging it also has a picture of the crease and shadow brush which is included within the palette - I have heard on previous reviews on YouTube that most people do not like to use this brush but as I do not own many make-up brushes I think that this is a handy brush, but it is also in good quality and the bristles are very sturdy but at the same time soft to the skin.
Here is a close-up of the make-up brush which is included within the palette:
And here is the palette outside of the packaging! the front 'Naked 3 Urban decay' lettering is pretty much the same as the lettering on the packaging :) (I'm not sure what the little piece of plastic in the photo so just ignore that ;)) The packaging is pretty much a brown tin material, my favourite part of the palette is the bumpy texture that it gives as it is unique to the palette! My favourite part of this packaging is the 3D feel that the pictures of the primer potions of the brush give as it is unique to other palettes!
As I have seen in other peoples reviews on YouTube this palette comes with a more secure lid compared to the Naked and Naked 2 palette which I believe were held closed by magnet force.
As you can see; the palette comes with a 'letter boxed' shaped mirror, I think that it is a great sized mirror compared to other mirrors that may come with eye-shadows, powders or just a usual compact mirror. Although I do not use it myself; in emergencies it will definitely be helpful! As all you guys probably.. well definitely already know; the palette comes with 12 neutral 'rose-gold' shades which I will go into more detail down below :)
Swatches! - So from left to right here is a short overview of each colour within the palette :)
First is the lightest colour in the palette also known as 'Strange' this is the first of three matte colours within the palette but could also be looked upon as a satin as it gives off slight shine to the shadow and is amazing for highlighting the brows or a base colour! as you can see in the picture I have included a picture of the colour itself within the palette, a swatch on my arm and another on my finger which shows the colour a bit better as it appears more pact. The only disadvantage I would say about this colour is that once spread (as you can see on my arm swatch) it becomes slightly sheer and may need more than one coat applied.
Next we have the colour 'Dust' which is known as a pale metallic pink shimmer with iridescent micro-glitter. I love this colour especially because it contains the micro-glitter, I like to place this colour on the inner corner of my eye, again this colour is quite a pale/light colour and the only disadvantage would be that it can sometimes appear to be quite sheer as you can see on the swatch on my arm that although it is a sheer colour the micro-glitter within the colour is quite visible which makes the colour all the more pretty and attractive :)
Now for the third colour in the palette also known as 'Burnout' which is one of the palette's satin colours. My first impressions of this colour before applying it were that it looked like a copper colour and that it may come out on the skin very coppery, almost like a dusky/dirty gold. (similar to the colour trick) but this colour surprised me as it definitely has pink/peach undertones with a small amount of the bronze/gold colour. I think I like this colour more than I thought it would which is always a bonus :)
I think that this colour is good for putting in the crease or it could be a really nice blending colour!
The fourth colour! Also known as 'Limit' which is a light dusty rose matte, the second matte colour within the palette. I think that when I swatched this colour onto my finger it looks quite light like a matte white, but when swatched onto my arm the colour just pops and looks amazing! I love this colour because of the rose-pink colour it gives off.
I cant really think of a disadvantage for this colour other than I think that this colour is similar to 'Burnout' if Burnout was a matte colour without the shimmer then in my opinion I think that they would be pretty much the same colour.
Now for one of my favourite colours, 'Buzz' which is a metallic rose shimmer with silver micro-glitter. Again; 'Buzz' is within the same family as 'Burnout' and 'Limit' in the rose/pink-gold family. Although the whole palette is within the rose-gold theme I feel that these three colours stand out the most within the theme.
I feel that this colour is also the most romantic within the palette because of the micro-glitter and the colour it gives off. Unlike the other colours when swatched onto my finger this colour still pops out at you, displaying the powerfulness of the colour - a great colour payoff! I tend to use this colour as a base colour.
Half way through the palette! Colour number 6 also known as 'Trick', Debenhams/Urban Decay believe that 'Trick' is a metallic pinky-copper shimmer with tonal micro-sparkle.
Here, I both agree and disagree with Debenhams/Urban Decay as this colour is definitely a copper colour with an orange undertone. I do not think that this colour has any pink within it at all (none that I can see anyways!!) Even when it is swatched onto my arm/finger I can still see no trace of pink at all!
Moving away from that, I feel that 'Trick' is an amazing colour within itself. It makes your eyes stand out and goes amazingly with my brunette hair! :)
Now for 'Nooner' the third and final matte colour within the palette! 'Nooner' is known as a medium pinky-brown matte which truly meets up to these expectations.
From watching many other peoples reviews via YouTube many people have said that 'Nooner' is their favourite colour within the palette, I believe that this is their opinion as it can be used for many different things such as blending, shading or within the crease of the eye.
This colour is my favourite out of the three mattes within the palette as like I said above, it can be used in many different ways.
Next is this brown shimmer colour, also known as 'Liar' which is a medium metallic mauve shimmer. This colour in my opinion is very similar to 'Trick', now you guys are thinking 'Trick'? The reason I say this is because of the orangey undertone that it gives off when swatched onto my arm. When in the palette and swatched onto my finger I can see clearly that it is a mauve shimmer colour but once smudged onto the skin I can definitely notice the bronze/orange undertones.
I haven't really used this colour since I have bought the palette so I can't really give an opinion on the colour just yet. But from appearance it looks like a really nice colour and one that would go with any look!
Now moving onto the darker colours within the palette, this is 'Factory' which is supposed to be a pinky-brown satin. Here, I completely disagree with Debenhams/Urban Decay as I would personally describe this colour as a choclatey brown colour and with definitely no undertones or any form of pink within this shadow, this colour also appears to me to have micro-glitter/sparkle but according to Debenhams/Urban Decay it does not.
I usually use this colour when blending whilst trying to create dramatic looks, as I am a glasses wearer I like my eye-shadow to be quite opaque and dramatic so that it can be recognised/seen easier.
I have previously used this shadow with the Maybelline Eye Studio Color Tattoo, 24hr Eyeshadow in the colour 'Eternal Pink' this colour or the colour 'Nooner' with that eyeshadow in the crease looks amazing! Here is the link to the product: http://www.superdrug.com/maybelline/maybelline-colour-tattoo-eyeshadow-eternal-pink/invt/503550&bklist=
The tenth colour in the palette! Also known as 'Mugshot', 'Mugshot' is a metallic taupe shimmer with slight pink shift. Similar to 'Liar' I haven't really used this colour to create any make-up looks, but from the swatches it has a great colour payoff but again I cannot see any pink within the shade.
I can imagine using this shade to create a smoky, everyday look I would probably use this for the outer-corner of my eye to create a more dramatic look.
Okay, so before I go any further with the review, I just want to point out that I am aware of the slight discolouration in my finger swatch for this photo, the reason for this is that I forgot to take a photo for this colour and had to then take it again when there was obviously no more sun-light. So as I say, definitely not the best of photographs but luckily this is a dark colour so it still gives off the true colour with a good colour payoff.
So, now we have 'Darkside' which is almost the darkest colour in the palette! 'Darkside' is a deep taupe-mauve satin colour which I believe looks more like a matte but the slight shine to the colour defines it as a shimmer. I quite like this colour so I tend to use this colour on my lower lash line so it works in partnership with my eyeliner - black of course! It is great if you do not want too much shimmer but not completely matte, to work with your eyeliner. I would recommend this colour to anyone. The only disadvantage I would say about this colour is that it can sometimes come across as grey-ish and requires another layer.
We are now onto the twelfth and final colour within the Naked 3 Palette! 'Blackheart' also known as a smoky black matte with rosy red micro-sparkle. I think this is a gorgeous colour and a lot of people love this colour for it's uniqueness - I can't think of another colour with rosy red micro-sparkle! You can't really see the sparkle in the swatches that I did in the photographs but the photo of the actual colour within the palette displays the micro-sparkle quite well!
I have only used this colour once when creating a dramatic look as I was a bit unsure about mixing the red sparkle with other colours within the palette. I also think this colour is a very romantic colour similar to 'Buzz'.
Now you've read my summary about each colour within the Naked 3 palette, here is a 'full palette' swatch:
Here is a photo of everything that you receive when you buy the Naked 3 Palette:
Naked 3 Palette Packaging, Naked 3 Palette & Sample Primer Potions ---->
And now we come to the end of this everlasting blog post!! I am sorry it was so long guys I just wanted to create a good detail blog post for you - I hope it was worth it! :D
Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin' you can find the button on the top right hand side of my Blog :) or search 'iBeauty1995x'
Bye guys :)
Okay, so this is what the palette looks like whilst its still inside the packaging :) I quite like the idea of a box packaging for a palette like this as it does not only make it look more expensive but it protects the product and makes people more attracted to it. As you can see, on the front it just has the 'Naked 3' Urban Decay in quite large letters personally, I think the gold upon the brown makes it stand out more and is quite eye-catching, what I found is that it also relates to some of the colours within the palette, along the bottom of the box it also gives an idea of the colours that are inside the palette but also gives the packaging an attractive effect by making the colours look rough and smashed. My favourite part of the packaging is the leather-like feel that the box has.
On the back of the box it just gives a small overview of the palette obviously trying to attract the market to the product. I doubt that you guys can read the writing on the back of the palette from my photo but the write up on the Debenhams website is pretty much what it says on the back of the packaging :) and then as you can see the four little 'tear' shapes underneath, these are the sample primer potions which come within the palette, I will insert a picture below:
You receive the following primer potions;
- Original: I've used this one myself and I was a bit worried that it was going to appear light on my skin as I have olive skin and wearing a foundation underneath may have made this primer appear lighter. I feel that the primer blends in well with the foundation you are currently wearing - I highly recommend this! Here is what Urban Decay say about it: "This undercover wonder works invisibly to keep colour in place"
- Eden: Although I have not tried this primer as of yet but from looking at it, it appears to be darker and a more nude than original. Here is what Urban Decay have to say: "This nude matte formula preps lids and prevents shadow meltdown."
- Sin: This primer appears to be again, a lot darker than the other primers within the packet but it contains slight shimmer I believe, Urban Decay say: "Just a dab of this shimmering formula prevents fading and creasing."
- Anti-Aging: This primer is a similar colour to 'Original' it is a usual light skin colour Urban Decay claims that it "makes shadow last AND in an 8 week clinical study: 100% of participants had a measurable improvement in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- 100% had measurably brighter skin
- 97% had a measurable improvement in radiance and clarity."
Urban Decay claim that each primer potion pod holds about a week's worth of primer!
Finally; On the back of the packaging it also has a picture of the crease and shadow brush which is included within the palette - I have heard on previous reviews on YouTube that most people do not like to use this brush but as I do not own many make-up brushes I think that this is a handy brush, but it is also in good quality and the bristles are very sturdy but at the same time soft to the skin.

As I have seen in other peoples reviews on YouTube this palette comes with a more secure lid compared to the Naked and Naked 2 palette which I believe were held closed by magnet force.
As you can see; the palette comes with a 'letter boxed' shaped mirror, I think that it is a great sized mirror compared to other mirrors that may come with eye-shadows, powders or just a usual compact mirror. Although I do not use it myself; in emergencies it will definitely be helpful! As all you guys probably.. well definitely already know; the palette comes with 12 neutral 'rose-gold' shades which I will go into more detail down below :)
Swatches! - So from left to right here is a short overview of each colour within the palette :)
First is the lightest colour in the palette also known as 'Strange' this is the first of three matte colours within the palette but could also be looked upon as a satin as it gives off slight shine to the shadow and is amazing for highlighting the brows or a base colour! as you can see in the picture I have included a picture of the colour itself within the palette, a swatch on my arm and another on my finger which shows the colour a bit better as it appears more pact. The only disadvantage I would say about this colour is that once spread (as you can see on my arm swatch) it becomes slightly sheer and may need more than one coat applied.
Next we have the colour 'Dust' which is known as a pale metallic pink shimmer with iridescent micro-glitter. I love this colour especially because it contains the micro-glitter, I like to place this colour on the inner corner of my eye, again this colour is quite a pale/light colour and the only disadvantage would be that it can sometimes appear to be quite sheer as you can see on the swatch on my arm that although it is a sheer colour the micro-glitter within the colour is quite visible which makes the colour all the more pretty and attractive :)
Now for the third colour in the palette also known as 'Burnout' which is one of the palette's satin colours. My first impressions of this colour before applying it were that it looked like a copper colour and that it may come out on the skin very coppery, almost like a dusky/dirty gold. (similar to the colour trick) but this colour surprised me as it definitely has pink/peach undertones with a small amount of the bronze/gold colour. I think I like this colour more than I thought it would which is always a bonus :)
I think that this colour is good for putting in the crease or it could be a really nice blending colour!
The fourth colour! Also known as 'Limit' which is a light dusty rose matte, the second matte colour within the palette. I think that when I swatched this colour onto my finger it looks quite light like a matte white, but when swatched onto my arm the colour just pops and looks amazing! I love this colour because of the rose-pink colour it gives off.
I cant really think of a disadvantage for this colour other than I think that this colour is similar to 'Burnout' if Burnout was a matte colour without the shimmer then in my opinion I think that they would be pretty much the same colour.
Now for one of my favourite colours, 'Buzz' which is a metallic rose shimmer with silver micro-glitter. Again; 'Buzz' is within the same family as 'Burnout' and 'Limit' in the rose/pink-gold family. Although the whole palette is within the rose-gold theme I feel that these three colours stand out the most within the theme.
I feel that this colour is also the most romantic within the palette because of the micro-glitter and the colour it gives off. Unlike the other colours when swatched onto my finger this colour still pops out at you, displaying the powerfulness of the colour - a great colour payoff! I tend to use this colour as a base colour.
Half way through the palette! Colour number 6 also known as 'Trick', Debenhams/Urban Decay believe that 'Trick' is a metallic pinky-copper shimmer with tonal micro-sparkle.
Here, I both agree and disagree with Debenhams/Urban Decay as this colour is definitely a copper colour with an orange undertone. I do not think that this colour has any pink within it at all (none that I can see anyways!!) Even when it is swatched onto my arm/finger I can still see no trace of pink at all!
Moving away from that, I feel that 'Trick' is an amazing colour within itself. It makes your eyes stand out and goes amazingly with my brunette hair! :)
Now for 'Nooner' the third and final matte colour within the palette! 'Nooner' is known as a medium pinky-brown matte which truly meets up to these expectations.
From watching many other peoples reviews via YouTube many people have said that 'Nooner' is their favourite colour within the palette, I believe that this is their opinion as it can be used for many different things such as blending, shading or within the crease of the eye.
This colour is my favourite out of the three mattes within the palette as like I said above, it can be used in many different ways.
Next is this brown shimmer colour, also known as 'Liar' which is a medium metallic mauve shimmer. This colour in my opinion is very similar to 'Trick', now you guys are thinking 'Trick'? The reason I say this is because of the orangey undertone that it gives off when swatched onto my arm. When in the palette and swatched onto my finger I can see clearly that it is a mauve shimmer colour but once smudged onto the skin I can definitely notice the bronze/orange undertones.
I haven't really used this colour since I have bought the palette so I can't really give an opinion on the colour just yet. But from appearance it looks like a really nice colour and one that would go with any look!
Now moving onto the darker colours within the palette, this is 'Factory' which is supposed to be a pinky-brown satin. Here, I completely disagree with Debenhams/Urban Decay as I would personally describe this colour as a choclatey brown colour and with definitely no undertones or any form of pink within this shadow, this colour also appears to me to have micro-glitter/sparkle but according to Debenhams/Urban Decay it does not.
I usually use this colour when blending whilst trying to create dramatic looks, as I am a glasses wearer I like my eye-shadow to be quite opaque and dramatic so that it can be recognised/seen easier.
I have previously used this shadow with the Maybelline Eye Studio Color Tattoo, 24hr Eyeshadow in the colour 'Eternal Pink' this colour or the colour 'Nooner' with that eyeshadow in the crease looks amazing! Here is the link to the product: http://www.superdrug.com/maybelline/maybelline-colour-tattoo-eyeshadow-eternal-pink/invt/503550&bklist=
The tenth colour in the palette! Also known as 'Mugshot', 'Mugshot' is a metallic taupe shimmer with slight pink shift. Similar to 'Liar' I haven't really used this colour to create any make-up looks, but from the swatches it has a great colour payoff but again I cannot see any pink within the shade.
I can imagine using this shade to create a smoky, everyday look I would probably use this for the outer-corner of my eye to create a more dramatic look.
Okay, so before I go any further with the review, I just want to point out that I am aware of the slight discolouration in my finger swatch for this photo, the reason for this is that I forgot to take a photo for this colour and had to then take it again when there was obviously no more sun-light. So as I say, definitely not the best of photographs but luckily this is a dark colour so it still gives off the true colour with a good colour payoff.
So, now we have 'Darkside' which is almost the darkest colour in the palette! 'Darkside' is a deep taupe-mauve satin colour which I believe looks more like a matte but the slight shine to the colour defines it as a shimmer. I quite like this colour so I tend to use this colour on my lower lash line so it works in partnership with my eyeliner - black of course! It is great if you do not want too much shimmer but not completely matte, to work with your eyeliner. I would recommend this colour to anyone. The only disadvantage I would say about this colour is that it can sometimes come across as grey-ish and requires another layer.
We are now onto the twelfth and final colour within the Naked 3 Palette! 'Blackheart' also known as a smoky black matte with rosy red micro-sparkle. I think this is a gorgeous colour and a lot of people love this colour for it's uniqueness - I can't think of another colour with rosy red micro-sparkle! You can't really see the sparkle in the swatches that I did in the photographs but the photo of the actual colour within the palette displays the micro-sparkle quite well!
I have only used this colour once when creating a dramatic look as I was a bit unsure about mixing the red sparkle with other colours within the palette. I also think this colour is a very romantic colour similar to 'Buzz'.
Now you've read my summary about each colour within the Naked 3 palette, here is a 'full palette' swatch:
Here is a photo of everything that you receive when you buy the Naked 3 Palette:
Naked 3 Palette Packaging, Naked 3 Palette & Sample Primer Potions ---->
And now we come to the end of this everlasting blog post!! I am sorry it was so long guys I just wanted to create a good detail blog post for you - I hope it was worth it! :D
Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin' you can find the button on the top right hand side of my Blog :) or search 'iBeauty1995x'
Bye guys :)
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